
Showing posts from August, 2022

"Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs" book by Carmine Gallo summary

                             Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs                                                    Steve Jobs (presenting iphone)                                   First of all presentation is a skill you can learn that and this book teaches you those skill with practical examples. 1) You should first create the movie like story, the plot for selling your ideas. The three step approach for this is : writing - sketching - producing 2) Deliver the experience of your product to attract audience. 3)Make your presentations sound natura and conversational. 1) Create a good headline for your product like Steve Jobs said, "Today apple reinvents the phone". 2) Successful speakers must have passion for their product. 3) There should be three key messages that your audience wants to listen. 4) Use metaphors and analogies for describing your product. 5) Use customer evidences and third party endorsements to make your audience believe in your product. 6) Your audience s